Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dog Training Lesson 7 : Stay

Very often, the command “SIT” is combined to be used together with the command “STAY”. So for the next dog training lesson, I would teach all of you dog lovers how to make your dog stay at a particular place when it is necessary. This dog training lesson is very important as me myself has experienced that this command is indeed a life-saving command to your dog. It occurred to me that there was a time when my dog was playing with his toy ball and accidentally the ball rolled out to the road. My dog, without hesitation, went after his toy ball not noticing that a car was approaching from far. Luckily for me that I saw the car and immediately I gave my dog the command “SIT-STAY”. Imagine what could have happened should he do not know the command “STAY”.

For this dog training lesson we would need to use a leash because it would make it easier for us to control our dog. First you might want to do the “SIT” command training for several times as a warm up. Then, after awhile your dog is ready for the “STAY” command training. Now, ask your dog to sit, and then give him the command “STAY” while holding up your palm against him showing him the sign “STAY”. At this point, your dog is unsure about what you want him to do, and in most cases, the dog would want to stand up and walk to you. However, at this time, you should firmly tell him “NO”.Should your dog still try to walk to you, you should walk towards him and ask him to sit, and then follow by the command stay.

ATTENTION: This dog training lesson requires a massive amount of patience as it is normal that you fail many times before getting your dog to stay for a few seconds. However a word of kind remind to all of you dog lovers, do not lose your temper against him for unable to perform the task because then you would make him feel bad or even WORSE – LOST OF CONFIDENCE!

When you have succeeded, you could proceed to the next level of this dog training lesson by asking your dog to stay while you leave him. First, stay by walking to a distance about 1m away. Then leave him for perhaps 1 minute before you go back to him. When he could stay on command, then you should gradually add the duration of time you leave him. However, it is not advisable to leave your dog to stay at a place for more than 10 minutes. Besides that, as with other dog training lesson, when your dog successfully complete a task, PRAISE and perhaps give him some treat. That would make him feel confident with himself and at the same time he would trust you too.



1 comment:

  1. Helpful training tips! Keep posting and it should be helpful to those who plan to rare a dog. Haha...


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